Documentation for the ifupdownaddons package helper modules

This package contains modules that provide helper methods for ifupdown2 addon modules to interact directly with tools like iproute2, brctl etc.


Helper module to work with bridgeutil commands

class bridgeutils.brctl(*args, **kargs)

This class contains helper functions to interact with the bridgeutils commands


Helper module to interact with linux api to create bonds. Currently this is via sysfs.

class ifenslaveutil.ifenslaveutil(*args, **kargs)

This class contains methods to interact with linux kernel bond related interfaces


Helper module to interact with dhclient tools.

class dhclient.dhclient(*args, **kargs)

This class contains helper methods to interact with the dhclient utility


Helper module to interact with iproute2 tools.

class iproute2.iproute2(*args, **kargs)

This class contains helper methods to cache and interact with the commands in the iproute2 package

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