Documentation for the Code


ifupdownmain is the main ifupdown module.


ifupdown2 network interface object

It is modeled based on the ‘iface’ section in /etc/network/interfaces file. But can be extended to include any other network interface format

class iface.iface(attrsdict={})

ifupdown2 iface object class


name Name of the interface

addr_family Address family eg, inet, inet6. Can be None to
indicate both address families
addr_method Address method eg, static, manual or None for
static address method

config dictionary of config lines for this interface

state Configuration state of an interface as defined by
status Configuration status of an interface as defined by

flags Internal flags used by iface processing

priv_flags private flags owned by module using this class

refcnt reference count, indicating number of interfaces
dependent on this iface
lowerifaces list of interface names lower to this interface or
this interface depends on
upperifaces list of interface names upper to this interface or
the interfaces that depend on this interface

auto True if interface belongs to the auto class

classes List of classes the interface belongs to

env shell environment the interface needs during

raw_config raw interface config from file


add to the list of upperifaces


add to the list of upperifaces


get first value of the specified attr name

get_attr_value_n(attr_name, attr_index)

get n’th value of the specified attr name

update_config(attr_name, attr_value)

add attribute name and value to the interface config

update_config_with_status(attr_name, attr_value, attr_status=0)

add attribute name and value to the interface config and also update the config_status dict with status of this attribute config

get_config_attr_status(attr_name, idx=0)

get status of a attribute config on this interface.

Looks at the iface _config_status dict


compares iface object with iface object passed as argument

Returns True if object self is same as dstiface and False otherwise

class iface.ifaceState

Enumerates iface state

class iface.ifaceStatus

Enumerates iface status

class iface.ifaceJsonEncoder(skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, encoding='utf-8', default=None)



class networkinterfaces.networkInterfaces(interfacesfile='/etc/network/interfaces', interfacesfileiobuf=None, interfacesfileformat='native', template_engine=None, template_lookuppath=None)

debian ifupdown /etc/network/interfaces file parser


This member function loads the networkinterfaces file.

Assumes networkinterfaces parser object is initialized with the parser arguments

subscribe(callback_name, callback_func)

This member function registers callback functions.


callback_name (str): callback function name (supported names: ‘iface_found’, ‘validateifaceattr’, ‘validateifaceobj’)

callback_func (function pointer): callback function pointer

Warns on error


class statemanager.pickling

class with helper methods for pickling/unpickling iface objects

classmethod save(filename, list_of_objects)

pickle a list of iface objects

classmethod save_obj(f, obj)

pickle iface object

classmethod load(filename)

load picked iface object

class statemanager.stateManager

state manager for managing ifupdown iface obj state

ifupdown2 has to maitain old objects for down operation on interfaces. ie to down or delete old configuration.

This class uses pickle to store iface objects.


This member function reads saved iface objects

filename (str): name of the state file

saves state (ifaceobjects) to persistent state file


class graph.graph

graph functions to sort and print interface graph

classmethod topological_sort_graphs_all(dependency_graphs, indegrees_arg)

runs topological sort on interface list passed as dependency graph

dependency_graphs (dict): dependency graph with dependency
lists for interfaces

indegrees_arg (dict): indegrees array for all interfaces

classmethod generate_dots(dependency_graph, indegrees)

spits out interface dependency graph in dot format

dependency_graphs (dict): dependency graph with dependency
lists for interfaces

indegrees_arg (dict): indegrees array for all interfaces

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